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Our Lab Technology


Sample type

Our sampling techniques are non-invasive, rapid and precise. We require a swab of the hive and a sample of 5-10 bees, which will then be subjected to testing in our laboratory. Sampling material is provided with all tests.


Comprehensive results

Our reports are simple, clear and easy to understand, helping beekeepers manage their hives. These reports include detailed information on pathogens levels in your hives and the health of your bees.


PCR-based assay

Our assay is based on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification of genetic material that is found inside the beehive. We measure honeybee genes that are markers of stress, immune competence, and energy reserves. We also detect and quantify the presence of various pathogens inside the hive. All our experiments include relative controls to rule out false positives. Moreover, our technology has been tested for sensibility and reproducibility.


Fast, reliable and secure

We deliver results within 72 hours of sample reception. Each sample is identified by a unique code and can be tracked to your specific hive. Results are sent by email to the beekeepers directly.

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